Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My daily routine.

Over time I have developed a daily routine for my face. I switch up some of the eyeshadow and blush colours now and then, and change my lipstick accordingly. But most of these items are frequented by me on a daily basis.

The first thing I do in the morning is to step into the bathroom and take a shower. I wash my face in there using this cleanser from Clean & Clear. I haven't noticed any of its supposed oil-control properties. But it works to take off the gunky feeling in the morning, and the lemony smell is very fresh and invigorating. This wakes me up. :)

After the shower I moisturize my face. I'm not picky about moisturizers as long as they are not greasey and have an SPF. Both of these fulfill these requirements. I use the Merlot more in the summer because it doesn't have any lightening properties, thus it wouldn't interfere with my self-tanner that I occasionally use.

Once my face feels like it's been dried since the moisturizer, I put on my basics: foundation and concealer. I alternate between using the MAC 187, 109 and a sponge for my foundation - SFF NC25. But lately I've been really enjoying using my fingers. It gets the job done fast. I always add some concealer (NW20) afterward to my under-eye circles.

I finish off my face makeup by adding a bronzer on my cheeks, temples and chin. I like NARS Laguna applied with a skunk brush. Afterwards I add any one of my staple blushes. Shown here are NARS Orgasm, MAC Well Dressed (all time fave!), and MAC Hipness. Then I use a large fluffy brush (shown here is the powder brush from Quo) to add MAC's Mineralize skinfinish in medium all over to "set" my makeup.

I always do my eyes afterwards out of habit. For an everyday look, I like 1) a pale highligher (Cover Girl Champagne), 2) a beige/salmony all-over color (Too Faced "Glamazon"), 3) fill in my brows with a matte brown (MAC "Dark Devotion"), 4) add liner to my top line (HIP liner in black) and 5) finish with a swipe of mascara (MaxFactor 2000 Calorie). Pretty boring, huh? :p

Last but not least, I take off my eye-makeup with an oil-based cleanser + a "normal" cleanser. For the oil-based cleanser, I use either olive oil or a cleanse-off oil from Lancome. To be honest, I like simple olive oil better.

Here's my daily "army" of necessities. Looks like a lot when put together, huh? :p


  1. I am loving your blog! come visit mine and say hello when you get a chance! I love the 187, how are you liking it?
    hope to see you around soon!
    X Belle

  2. Hello Belle, your blog is lovely! the 187 was a splurge for me, but it's definitely a multi-tasker and therefore, worth it. :)
